
Masoud Barah

I'm Masoud Barah, an Operations Research and Statistical Modeling Enthusiast! I am a Research Specialist in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University. My areas of interest include healthcare operations research, integer programming, and Markov decision processes. Additionally, I am interested in survival analysis. Currently, I am working on decision-making under uncertainty in the context of deceased donor kidney transplantation. I am also involved in simulating policies aimed at reducing non-utilized deceased donor kidneys. During my Ph.D. studies, I focused on equitable resource sharing problems under uncertainty.


Awards and Honors

Selected Publications

Full List of Publications

Research Support

Ongoing Research Support

Rescuing Kidneys at Risk of Discard

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK): R01 1R01DK118425-01A1, Sanjay Mehrotra (PI) 04/01/19 - Present
The objective of this project is to study the problem of kidney discard, identify potential interventions that can reduce the risk of discard and subsequently test these interventions in a simulation environment through proper calibration.
Roles: Post-doc Research Fellow, Research Specialist

Completed Research Support

Optimizing Green Infrastructure Investment to Improve Urban Storm Water System Resilience under Environmental Uncertainty

National Science Foundation (NSF): CMMI-1634975, Jon Hathaway (PI) 08/01/16 - 07/31/22
The objective of this research is to (i) evaluate the response of a stormwater system to these scenarios by identifying the vulnerability of the system to flooding, (ii) develop a stochastic programming optimization model, to account for the uncertainties in weather patterns over a long planning horizon, and (iii) optimize equitable green infrastructure placement, within the stormwater system to maximize flood resiliency under climate uncertainties.
Role: Ph.D. student
